Sapphire Scientific Apex 570 Truckmount

Powered by a liquid-cooled cast iron Kubota engine, this truckmount uses the patented Sapphire Scientific triple-source thermal well system to deliver consistent high heat. Cerakote ceramic coating lowers the heat radiation on all exhaust components by more than 30%—extends truckmount life and helps to keep van interiors cooler. (Not available in California.)

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Tech Specs

  • Power plant: Kubota WG972 31 HP liquid cooled cast iron gasoline engine operating at 3000 RPM
  • Vacuum pump: Gardner Denver trilobe HeliFlow® HF408 helical positive displacement blower. Vacuum at 13 in. and flows of 450+ CFM
  • Solution pump: General HTS2016S producing up to 1500 PSI and 5 GPM at 1500 RPM
  • Waste tank: 90 gal. marine grade aluminum. Optional: 120 gal. high capacity waste tank
  • Belt cooling: 100 CFM through-frame air injection system
  • Dimensions:
    • Console (W × H × D): 22 × 43 × 50 in.
    • 56 × 109 × 127 cm
  • Frame construction: 0.125 in. × 2 in. powder-coated aluminum box tubing.

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